20 Years of VHI Endowed Laryngeal Surgery Professorship at Harvard Medical School
/Drs. Steven and Maria Zeitels at Harvard Medical School inaugural celebration of endowed professors
Today we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Eugene B. Casey Professorship in Laryngeal Surgery with Harvard Medical School and its first incumbent, Dr. Steven Zeitels, Director of the Center for Laryngeal Surgery and Voice Rehabilitation at Massachusetts General Hospital.
VHI endowed this professorship to ensure that the highest quality clinical care in Laryngeal Surgery will be maintained into the future. The professorship also supports advancements in Laryngology through novel and enterprising research programs.
We would also like to recognize the generosity of the late Mrs. Betty Brown Casey for making this possible and her unwavering commitment to the welfare of children. With her support innovative approaches to pediatric voice loss have also been advanced over these past years.
Photo courtesy of Drs. Steven and Maria Zeitels at the inaugural celebration of Harvard Medical School’s Endowed Professors from all of its hospitals. This type of event has never occurred before in its more than 200-year history.