Support VHI by fundraising and shopping!

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

If you are as passionate about voice as we are, we could use your help to raise funds for VHI by raising your voice on social media, with your friends and family. Share your story about how voice loss and voice care have affected your life and start a fundraiser on Facebook or GoFundMe to benefit VHI.

Donate While You Shop

Walmart: Walmart recently launched Walmart Spark Good Round Up where customers can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate the change to their favorite charity. We would love for you to choose VHI as your charity to receive these donations every time you shop on Go here to learn more: Walmart Spark Good - Voice Health Institute

eBay for Charity: You can buy or sell items on eBay for Charity to benefit VHI. For more information, go to eBay.

Goodshop: Access online coupons and earn cash back donations to benefit VHI when shopping online through links on